
GiftingDuring this Holiday season our focus is usually on purchasing or creating gifts for others. Many people worry about giving the right gift or getting something they really want. Some children count how many gifts have their name on them. And then there are those that just enjoy the act of giving and expect nothing in return.

Gifting during this time of year is a big deal, even though we may give or receive gifts at other times during the year to honor an occasion. Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, baby showers, the list goes on and on.

Many people or groups of people give to the less fortunate throughout the month of December in various ways. Several families are provided meals, toys and clothing, just to name a few. Volunteering time and support to make all this happen is a gift in itself.

I always wonder who enjoys the gift the most, the one giving it or the one receiving it. Their facial expressions, the exchange of words or physical touch can be priceless. The memories captured in photos or the personal note on the card enclosed help remind us of those happy times.

We put a lot into gift giving. But do we stop to think about the fact that we are a personal gift to others? Yes you, we us, people! I’ll show you.

A thing given willingly to someone without payment.

A present.

A natural ability, talent, offering, knack, flair, aptitude.

To show favor toward someone, honor and occasion, make a gesture of assistance.

The act of giving.

See, and that’s just a few descriptions of how we are a gift to others. I hope this season you take the time to ponder on the fact that you are a gift like no other.

Unique packaging with a big red bow!

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